This woman beat breast cancer with the help of her pet cat, you will get emotional after reading this

This woman beat breast cancer with the help of her pet cat, you will get emotional after reading this

In March last year, during the Corona virus, Cindy Cheng, a resident of Hong Kong, came to know that she had stage-2 breast cancer. Knowing this, she went into depression. Over the next 12 months, Cheng underwent chemotherapy, surgery to remove a lump in her left breast, and chemotherapy. During this time, he worried about how the treatment would affect him and whether his condition would worsen.

Talking to the South China Morning Post, the English teacher living in Hong Kong said, ‘I knew cancer could be treated, but I was still afraid of what would happen to me’. She was also facing personal relationship issues and was in trouble with her insurance company, which left her frustrated and angry. Despite her emotionally fragile state, she told herself to stay strong to get through the challenging times.

with pet cats
In such difficult times, Cheng got the support of his pet cats. He not only gave her the strength to beat the disease, but also inspired her to fight for recovery. She said, ‘I was supported by my husband, family, friends and servant, but I also took comfort from my four cats.’

cats love
He said, ‘The pain after chemotherapy was unbearable. I had more than 30 blisters in my mouth and my joints hurt. I was also feeling weak and tired. In the midst of all this, I got the support of my cats. Holding, kissing and hugging them. It reduces my stress and reduces my physical pain. When my hair fell out during chemotherapy, but my cats didn’t care how I looked.

benefits of pets
There is evidence that pets can be helpful during terminal or chronic illness. A large Swedish study published in the journal Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes in 2019 found that dog ownership is associated with better outcomes after a major cardiovascular event. The researchers said that having a dog provides patients with social support and motivation for physical activity. A small Canadian study published in 2018 in the journal Social Sciences suggested that living with a pet may help people with chronic pain get more sound sleep and establish healthier bedtime routines.

Tags: cancer, cancer survivors, OMG News

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